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Old Parktonian Sports Club’s cyclists find safe ways to train

BORDEAUX – Cycling division at local sports club moves with the times and finds safe ways to train.

The cycling section at Old Parktonian Sports Club has adapted its offerings since the lockdown began last year.

By now they are masters of keeping cyclists active and entertained, whether at group rides in the gym or virtual races from home.

“The gym has been open since the very start of lockdown, with our physios providing an essential service with their physical therapy and muscle rehabilitation,” said the head of the cycling section, Robbie McIntosh, a cycling legend who was one of the first professional cyclists in the country.

The kettlebells class maintains social distancing during its training. Photo: Supplied

“But the lockdown has affected the way cycling clubs operate. Under lockdown Level 3, people have been allowed to come to our gym to cycle, and I have put up a big screen for us to use in our group cycles. People can connect from home using their smart bike trainers and ride with us virtually. I am still coaching cyclists and these programmes send all their times and data through to me, which is helpful.”

McIntosh also started leading a kettlebells class and weekly fitness boot camp at the sports club.

The gym is still open at Old Parktonian Sports Club. Photo: Supplied

He believed the safety protocols in place were effective and should keep people safe as they engaged in these activities. Spaces are limited, including at the gym, and people have to book to participate, have their temperatures taken and wear face masks.

“I started the boot camp on Friday mornings at 6.30am out on the fields. It is easy to keep social distancing outside. You can do kettlebell training at home or with others virtually, but it is also safe to do it here with us and people tend to get more out of it in group workouts.”

McIntosh’s goals for the year are to gain momentum in these classes and help his cyclists reach new heights.

Details: Old Parktonian Sports Club 011 789 3274/5.


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