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Master your dribbling with the help of this video

CRAIGHALL – Master your dribbling with the help of this IQ Football video.

In another video IQ Football has published to help soccer players train at home, coach Sean Szabo explains how one can master their dribbling.

Daily challenges are presented on the IQ Football social media pages, and Szabo encourages youngsters to use their time productively and learn these new skills.

There is also a competition for soccer players from ages three to 18, where if they take a video of themselves doing a soccer skill or trick and upload the video on Facebook or Instagram and tag IQ Football, then they can win a size-four soccer ball. The post must also include the hashtag #IQFootballSkillsCompetition.

“When you are dribbling, knock it [the ball] just in front of you. You don’t want to knock it too far in front of you because then someone might tackle you,” Szabo explained in the video.

He proceeded to show how one could nudge the ball forward while moving forward with it.

“You don’t want it to get too close to you because you will struggle to keep the ball moving. You want to knock it just in front of you so you can run after it and keep knocking it.”

One must also knock the ball with the outside of the foot, not the inside. Szabo said if one watched professional players dribble, they could see them doing this.

In every video, Szabo stresses one should practise the tricks with both feet and this was no exception. He demonstrated running back and forth nudging the ball along with the right and then the left foot.

“As you go faster, you need to knock the ball a little bit further because your momentum will take you, so just judge the weight of your touch.”

Also, the more open space a player has in front of them, the further they can nudge the ball while dribbling without fear of being tackled.

Szabo suggested players dribble back and forth like this five to 10 times per day, especially players who need to improve their skills with a certain foot. They can increase their pace as they go.


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