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Rockies encourages fitness at home

SAXONWOLD – Rocky Road Runners puts safety first, while still promoting fitness.

Rocky Road Runners (AKA Rockies) has encouraged its members, and society at large, to keep fit at home as fitness always assists in good health.

Since President Cyril Ramaphosa announced a nationwide lockdown from midnight on 26 March, running clubs, and sports clubs for that matter, have taken a new approach to promote physical health.

Saxonwold’s Rockies is no exception and club chairperson Matodzi Tshidzumba said the health and safety of people must come first during these difficult times.

“We are still to find out whether we can go for walks or runs in very small groups but if it is possible I would discourage anyone from running with unknown people. It would be much better to walk or run alone,” he said.

“Government has asked us to stay at home and I think that is still best. You can do core training at home, like your push-ups, bicep exercises and lunges. If you have a treadmill at home then use it.”

The annual Gerald Fox Memorial Race at Joburg Zoo is always a big hit. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

Tshidzumba added that keeping fit is important but if one is sick then they should play it safe and rest.

This comes after the Central Gauteng Athletics (CGA) cancelled its events in the wake of the state of national disaster, and instructed local running clubs to do likewise.

The safety of runners come first for Rocky Road Runners, a club popular with families. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

Rockies’ weekly Saturday time trials were stopped immediately, as were the Sunday myruns.

Rockies has its annual Gerald Fox Memorial run at Joburg Zoo in September and Tshidzumba said he hopes the country can get on top of the Coronavirus before then, but it will follow the guidance set out by CGA.

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