Soccer club makes entry into the big league

PARKVIEW – Soccer club enters competitive soccer world.

Big things are in store for the Zoo Lake Football Club in Parkview.

Club owner and coach, Alan Brainin said the club has achieved a huge milestone as it will compete in the Rand Central League games. Set to take place in Johannesburg, it is administered by one of the largest soccer associations, the Rand Central Football Association.

In addition, Brainin said the club was thoroughly prepared and ready to take on the competitive soccer fraternity, as its young development team has been going through immense training for the whole of last year.

“All our players will strive for excellence in all of the competitions by practicing honesty, integrity, teamwork and commitment,” he said.

Boasting qualified coaches is an addition that makes Brainin believe that the club and its qualifying team will trash other teams in the league games with ease.

“The training methods offered in our programmes are a combined effort of professional coaches with a love of the world’s game and an interest in seeing each child develop with confidence and success,” he said.

Brainin added that their programme is designed to create a toolbox of fundamental skills for the young players to maintain and enhance as they become older and progress in the sport.

Confident in the programme that the club offers its players, Brainin said he believes this is the team that will one day represent South Africa in renowned international soccer competitions.

“We combine a healthy balance of technical development with the invaluable experience of applying those newly-learned skills in a fun and pressure-free playing environment and all these techniques are core skills for mastering soccer,” concluded Brainin.

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