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Airports Company South Africa honoured at Awards

ILLOVO - Airports Company South Africa (Acsa) was recognised at the recent Spar gSport Awards ceremony for the company's invaluable contribution to wheelchair tennis in South Africa.

Acsa was awarded Corporate Sponsor of the Year at the ninth Spar gSport Awards ceremony, held at the Wanderers Club on 24 November. The ceremony celebrated South Africa’s top female athletes, as well as paid tribute to groups and individuals who have made significant contributions to the promotion of women’s sport in the country.

In the 10th year of Acsa’s sponsorship of wheelchair tennis, it was fitting for the company to be recognised for its role in the growth and performance of the increasingly successful sport in South Africa. Since 2005, Acsa has been the official sponsor of Wheelchair Tennis South Africa, helping the sport to grow from only a handful of players to hundreds of athletes who now participate. The company’s continued support has allowed wheelchair tennis to produce a number of sporting role models, including strong female athletes such as star player Kgothatso Montjane, and the up-and-coming Mariska Venter.

Wheelchair tennis was further recognised at the Spar gSport Awards ceremony with awards to two of the sport’s unsung heroines, Kweshy Khweshy Dubula, who won Volunteer of the Year, and Mariska Venter, a finalist in the Up-and-Coming Athlete of the Year category.

“We are elated with the well-deserved recognition that Airports Company South Africa received at the Spar gSport Awards. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Airports Company South Africa for believing in our players and the inspirational sport of wheelchair tennis,” commented Wheelchair Tennis South Africa’s manager, Karen Losch.

“This is a very special accolade, especially during Disability Month in South Africa,” Losch added.

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