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Parkview Golf Club to honour Bobby Locke

PARKVIEW – Parkview Golf Club is preparing to honour champion golfer and former member, Bobby Locke at a five-day golf festival in November.

“Obviously, golfers of all ages are welcome to enter,” said club director Jerry Fraser, “but the people of the suburbs are welcome to watch some of the action and enjoy our refreshments.”

The final day, November 9, is likely to be a particular draw card and will feature almost 100 of the country’s top young amateurs in a 36-hole championship.

The event will begin on November 5 and honours the late Locke, whose four British Open Championships between 1949 and 1957, and numerous other wins in Europe and the United States, made him undeniably the second most accomplished golfer South Africa has produced.

“Many people argue that although he won fewer golf majors than Gary Player, he was generally the country’s best exponent of the sport,” says Fraser.

Locke won his four Opens in a span of eight years and dominated when he played the PGA tour, earning him the distinction as the first great non-British, non-American golfer. The American pros nicknamed him ‘Muffin Face’ because of his changeless expression.

The full festival:


Wednesday 5: Sponsors’ Day

Thursday 6: Captain’s Day

Friday 7: Six-ball Commando

Saturday 8: Bobby Locke Memorial (Club members only)

Sunday 9: Bobby Locke Invitational

Locke died in 1987 at the age of 69.

Details: www.parkviewgolf.co.za

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