Paddlers ride Hansa Fish River Marathon

ROSEBANK – THE annual mass trek from Gauteng to the Eastern Cape took place with numerous paddlers from upcountry eagerly taking on the Hansa Fish River Marathon 2014.

Rosebank resident Neil Barrow was the top Gauteng Veteran Age group finisher in the K1 discipline, finishing the tough, but exciting, river race in 6:20:00.

Although the event is a K1 championships race, it also hosts the SA K3 river championships race. The race took place on 10 and 11 October from the Grassridge Dam to Cradock, covering a distance of about 80km.

Novice paddlers often aim to paddle this river race as their first A Grade river experience, and it is quite an effective wake-up for those who have been cutting their teeth on the placid Gauteng winter rivers. With no rainfall Gauteng rivers are slower and manageable during the months preceding the guaranteed 26 cubic metres of water per second provided on the Eastern Cape’s, Fish River.

While there were over 50 withdrawals from the official race by the end of Day 1, due to boat damage or numerous swims, more than 600 paddlers managed to finish the adrenalin-rushing river race with all its challenges.

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