
Letter to the unsung heroes of the pandemic

HOUGHTON – One community member believes that everyone else is a hero in their respective roles.

ORT SA CEO Ariellah Rosenberg writes …

Many articles and messages of gratitude have been conveyed towards the frontline workers in the Covid-19 pandemic.
The health workers facing daily interactions with the disease are undoubtedly the superheroes of this era.

There are other heroes we tend to overlook…

You, who follows the guidelines rigorously, keeps your mask on fully and stays away from crowded areas, sanitising your hands religiously, with the understanding that it is not about you only, but mostly about the people you interact with.

You, who is working from home, trying to juggle job requirements and the screaming child who’s trying to get into the Zoom class with no luck, because connectivity in a household with five people trying to connect simultaneously is just an absolute nightmare.

You, who have built your business with sweat and blood for decades, to find out within days after lockdown, that it is all gone. No cash, no customers and let’s be frank, no need for your product or service.

Some businesses in certain industries, such as entertainment, hospitality, sport, and winery, to name a few, were in the midst of the pandemic storm and some have been completely destroyed. Many pivoted their business in a way they never imagined before. Running gym classes or coaching clients online or shifting into e-commerce and takeaway meals and groceries.

Many others have lost their jobs and livelihood. You, with a profession and years of experience but now finding yourself in the job market, trying to figure out the changed world of work and learning its new nuances and complexity. Some realising they need to gain new skills that are required in a digitised workplace and some finding ways to utilise their talent and expertise in different ways such as freelancing.

To all of you, the office manager, who is putting more hours of work because working from home with demanding children makes you lose sense of time. To you, the business owner who, despite the obstacles and promised grants that never reached you, you made it.

To all the teachers and learners, you deserve your own article dedicated to your incredible sacrifice and achievements.

You all deserve to be celebrated and acknowledged. You are the unsung heroes of this pandemic.

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