
OPINION: As we move forward

"I am thankful to the readers who have and who keep supporting our endeavours, and may your efforts be fruitful and productive this year."

Rosebank Killarney Gazette journalist Naidine Sibanda writes:

As we usher in the year 2021, we can’t help but replay the images of 2020 in our heads.
This is mostly because our one common denominator, coronavirus, is still with us. Nonetheless, what is life without hope? Hope is what my name means and I am always hopeful for a better tomorrow. So, besides our leaders trying to procure treatment for the virus, it doesn’t hurt to add a little positive energy into the mix.

What gave me positive energy was a photo of a rainbow which featured on one of our community newspaper pages. Like most people, I believe the rainbow is a good omen of a brighter tomorrow. I, therefore, look forward to be in a space where I can continue to serve our readers with factual, relevant news through intimate community interaction when the virus is at last under control.

I am thankful to the readers who have and who keep supporting our endeavours, and may your efforts be fruitful and productive this year.

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