‘I’m going to miss our wonderful community,’ says Theresa Gibbon

PARKVIEW – Parkview Residents' Association (PRA) marketing and communications manager, Theresa Gibbon bids farewell to the community.

Parkview Residents’ Association (PRA) marketing and communications manager, Theresa Gibbon, writes:

Dear Parkview and Greenside East residents and friends, I trust that you and your families are all coping well enough under the Covid-19 lockdown and the resultant upheaval and uncertainties that have come with it.

As much as I am relieved to be walking our beautiful tree-lined avenues once again, the days remain incomplete without regular face-to-face ‘non masked’ interactions with the people of Parkview. Fortunately, the WhatsApp groups have helped to stay connected. They have also served as a sobering reminder that we have been both positively and negatively affected by this pandemic, that we all cope differently, and that we are faced with an ever-growing need to support each other and those whose circumstances are dire.

Some of you may know that my husband and I are relocating to Fish Hoek at the end of this month, and I am going to really miss our wonderful community very much. We’ve had laughs, torn our hair out and vented, but what resonates is that Parkview is a wonderful and caring community with residents who look out for each other and help their neighbours, charities, PRA projects and other initiatives with donations, time, expertise and empathy.

It has been a privilege to have served the PRA the last 13 years. During this time, I have worked on many projects with so many special, talented and awesome people on the PRA Exco, subcommittees, SafeParkview, our councillor, local government, shop owners, media, estate agents, residents and more. What I have cherished most, is knowing that when working together, we are able to make a tangible difference to people’s lives.

My involvement with the PRA will finish at the end of May when I hand over officially to Caryl Kelly. Caryl has been involved with Parkview schools for many years and I am thrilled to be leaving my portfolio in her extremely capable hands.

Details: Parkview Residents’ Association, info@parkview.co.za


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