Suggestions to dealing with litter issue at Orchards Primary

ORCHARDS – Frustrated resident calls on school to clean up environment.

Pippa Hughes writes:

The litter generated by pupils attending your school [Orchards Primary School] has been an ongoing problem and the cause of considerable consternation for all the residents surrounding the school for a long time.

Plastic packets, chip and chocolate wrappers and the like are a daily occurrence and residents constantly have to clean up this litter, which every day finds its way onto their surrounding properties. It simply has to cease.

It seems strange that your school body either seems to not notice this, be unaware of this, or worse, simply does not care.

A school is part of its community, and as such has a duty of care for its surrounds. It also has a duty to educate, not only in an academic sense but in a broader societal context. It’s unimaginable that your school would not have an anti-littering or even a re-use, recycle educational element.

Might one suggest a few options to resolving this issue:

As residents, we are happy to assist in providing leads as to whom in the recycling industry to contact in this regard.

We are by no means suggesting that your pupils alone are responsible for every scrap of litter, but they certainly are a major contributor.

We would appreciate your serious engagement in this regard and look forward to a reply which would constructively help address the situation.

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