
Elections pen out as predicted

JOBURG – The results of the elections seem to pen out as predicted in my last column to you just before the voting began.


So, I was not way off the mark in my predictions of the outcome of the elections, as the results are panning out exactly as I had analysed them.

Read: Siso predicts elections

What is interesting, though, is the total eclipse of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) as they have, in some instances, been relegated to fourth spot after the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP).

One would have expected the EFF to be up there with the Democratic Alliance (DA), fighting to gain the DA’s position of being the official opposition in the various municipalities. But as the results stand now, the EFF is fighting for scraps from the African National Congress (ANC) and the DA and, as I have said, in some instances scraps from the IFP.

You see, the ANC has mastered the art of appeasement – and mastered it very well – in that they don’t give too much too soon or too little, so that tomorrow you have nothing more to give, or you have very little to brag about. (not sure what you are saying here)

Do it in such a way that the recipient keeps thinking or guessing and expecting more tomorrow, hence the ANC’s catchphrase ‘together we can do more’, and that alone keeps you gripped and your expectations high.

Has it ever bothered you or crossed your mind why the ANC, when issues were heated up in Polokwane in 2007, they opted for manual vote counting – why?

This is an issue that has not been substantially visited. You should have seen the frowns on the faces of the former President Thabo Mbeki faction when the manual counting of the votes was put on the table at the last minute so that no one could then make a plan ‘B’.

The million-dollar question is why the ANC opted for this kind of system in their own election and why the last minute? The answer is simple. This was to catch their opponents unaware with no opportunity to devise a plan ‘B’. And it worked for them.

A computer is nothing but a gadget that you programme to achieve the desired end result, (are you implying the current voting is rigged?) and it will give you just that. I am appealing to someone to give me a valid reason why the Zuma faction refused to use the computerised vote counting system in Polokwane those years back.

When you look at the results as they trickle in, they smack of the ANC’s delivery concept – never give too much or too little. Keep them gasping for more.

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