LETTER: Shame on you

Norwood Hypermarket shopper writes:

I WENT to my car on the roof of the Norwood Hypermarket on 9 June. I know I had my cellphone while I was there and I had either put it in the boot [of the car] or left it in the trolley next to me, however, once I started looking for it, it had disappeared.

I thought that I may have left it on my car seat or in my bag, however when I started searching frantically I couldn’t find it. A lady had passed my car and got into the passenger seat of a white car parked next to me.

I proceeded to ask her to please phone my number which she entered into her phone. However, then she told me she had no airtime and couldn’t call my phone. I searched in and around my car and she suggested that I had dropped it and the battery may have fallen out.

She could see my panic and frustration while she sat in the other car, and a while later got out and asked a passing couple to dial my number on my behalf. By that stage, my cellphone had gone into ‘the caller you have dialled is not available’.

I only realised later that she had stolen my cellphone and while sitting in the car next to me proceeded to remove my battery and/or my Sim card. She saw my anguish and shock, but obviously was quite happy with her ‘new’ Samsung Galaxy cellphone.

Dear lady, please be advised that the number plate of your vehicle has been recorded and given in a statement at the police station, so expect a visit from them.

I can’t name you, but I can certainly shame you.

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