
LETTER: 10th Street blues

Giuseppe writes:

I live in 10th Street Orange Grove between Louis Botha and 6th avenues.

Now that the Rea Vaya team have closed off the intersection on 7th Street and Louis Botha Avenue, the people who live in 10th Street have seen a huge increase in traffic volumes, especially in the morning and afternoon rush hours.

I would like to know if a proper study was done on the impact of traffic volumes when Rea Vaya planned its project, and were the residents even taken into account?

Also the traffic signal on the corner of Louis Botha Avenue and 10th Street is so quick for the cars going up 10th Street in an easterly direction, that it has resulted in traffic jams occurring regularly all the way down 10th Street, 6th Avenue and 9th Street. This especially from 4.30pm to 6pm.

The timing on these lights needs to be attended to, but this does not seem to be happening.

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