
Farewell to the epic big slide

Marjolein Bench writes: Regarding the slide at George Hay Park, the generation of Parkview children who bragged about ‘their big slide’ in George Hay Park were so sad to see it gone.


It was an iconic, antique, classic slide. It is such a pity that is was ‘out of [specifications]’ and deemed ‘too dangerous’.

It is so tragic that the authorities deemed it not worth having for fear of litigation. It was cool, it was epic, it was exciting, it was challenging for children and their parents who had to go down the slide with them. You could see the best sunsets from the top of that slide.

I hope that the slide is kept in a museum to show generations to come that in the ‘olden days’ we took risks and did not sue the authorities if we hurt ourselves.

It was part of growing up. May it rest in peace and maybe, one day, it will be resurrected with a sign ‘use at your own risk’ for the brave kids and parents who like excitement in their lives.

We are sad that it is gone. In loving memory of the Parkview iconic big slide.

Do you have happy memories of George Hay Park’s big slide? Share them with Rosebank Killarney Gazette by leaving a comment below, or by tweeting us @RK_Gazette 

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