
Call for accident witnesses

Tamsyn Galloway writes: On the 11 May at about 3.45pm, I was heading up Chester Road in my little white Toyota Auris towards the intersection of Jan Smuts Avenue, hoping to cross over into Bolton Road.



As I was driving up the hill I saw cars turning from Bolton Road onto Jan Smuts Avenue across the traffic in front of me. I slowed down due to the curve, knowing they may not see me.

I noticed a BMW, I think, slow down and stop, giving me the impression the turning cars had seen me, except for a little red car.

I hooted but it was too late. I swerved to miss the car but instead we collided, causing my three airbags to deploy.

Two lovely gentlemen stopped to help me. I am forever grateful for their assistance on the day, but I am appealing for their help, or anyone else who was there and saw what happened. My insurance needs witness statements to corroborate my story.

An orange ambulance, (Emer-G-Med, I think) took me and the other driver to Milpark Hospital, as far as I can remember the one paramedic’s name was Matthew.

The accident was reported to the Parkview Police Station and was then transferred to Rosebank. Case no:106/5/2015 SAPS. Sergeant MS Kwanaite

Details: tammy_2_shoes@hotmail.com

Were you a witness to the accident? Please contact Tamsyn Galloway to let her know.

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