LETTER: Norwood CPF to march for Pinky

Deborah Cox writes:

We do a lot of ‘things’ crime-wise in Orange Grove, but we don’t do murder. And especially, we don’t do brutal rape and murder.

These days (as against our previous safe, secure and possibly slightly smug past in the last century) we must admit to drug dealing, alcohol abuse, domestic violence and a general disregard for the individual whose culture and opinion does not reflect our own. But we don’t do murder!

In the early hours of Sunday morning, 25 January, Pinky’s badly beaten, raped and near-naked body was found in the entrance to the block of flats where she lived. Pinky was 37 years old with her life before her. She was a mother, sister, daughter… breadwinner. She lived and worked in Orange Grove. She did not deserve this ghastly, tragic end to her young life.

Orange Grove has been on the downhill slide for years and we, the community, have done little to stop it. What caused this apathy, the “don’t care about you, why should I?” attitude of so many today. Overcrowding, lack of employment, fear of victimisation, personal insecurity, no roots…..? and most definitely lack of leadership and lack of respect for each other.

Saps has asked anyone with information that might lead to an arrest to come forward. Orange Grove is a busy place over weekends (actually most days and nights) and there has to be someone who saw Pinky take her last steps before this vicious attack. Where are those witnesses?

It is unthinkable that the murderer/s might escape retribution.

I believe there are still people who care… hopefully enough to overcome corruption, greed and crime. Can we start a new form of ‘neighbourhood watch’? A belief in the individual, respect for each other – Can we learn to enjoy the ‘differences’ – freely acknowledge human rights and totally condemn crime – in all its guises.

Let Pinky’s death be a new beginning.

Let’s start caring.

And let’s Walk for Peace for Pinky to show we mean it.

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