
LETTER: Car guard drug peddlers

I’m a concerned Rosebank tenant and read your article, Too close for comfort, week ending 27 February. Good job by the police at that school. I wish one day Rosebank police will be able to clear Keyes and Tyrwhitt avenues in Rosebank. What happens there is bad especially after 6pm. Guys pretend to be car …

I’m a concerned Rosebank tenant and read your article, Too close for comfort, week ending 27 February.

Good job by the police at that school. I wish one day Rosebank police will be able to clear Keyes and Tyrwhitt avenues in Rosebank.

What happens there is bad especially after 6pm. Guys pretend to be car guards but are selling drugs which they hide among the flower beds or put in dustbins, so when the police come they don’t find them in possession of drugs.

I live in one of the block of flats and we see these guys retrieving the drugs from the flower beds and dust bins. Not only that but they use jamming devices on vehicles so they can steal motorists’ laptops and other items. Our visitors are too scared to visit at night because these ‘car guards’ run to their cars offering to sell them drugs.

The solution will be to rid this street of these people.

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