LETTER: Apologies for road markings

Noel Reddy writes:

This is in reference to the removal of lane marking and right turn signal phase on 6th Avenue at the Louis Botha intersection, Highlands North

Firstly, as consultants to the Johannesburg Development Agency for this section of the Rea Vaya, we need to acknowledge our error and apologise to the travelling public for all the unnecessary inconvenience.

We understand that the removal of the exclusive lane marking and signal phasing was implemented on 10 February. As soon as the condition was brought to our attention, efforts were initiated to correct the situation as soon as possible. This complaint was confirmed by several complaints to the Johannesburg Roads Agency about the situation, which was also communicated to the consultants by the agency on 16 February.

Observations were conducted on site on 13 February. The instruction to reinstate the exclusive right turn road markings on 6th Avenue were issued to the contractor. A new signal plan was prepared and submitted to the roads agency and approved by them on 16 February.

The new approved signal plan was issued to the contractor for implementation and was operational from 23 February.

Once again we apologise for all the inconvenience caused.

Filler: Have you experienced changes on Louis Botha Avenue? Let us know on our Facebook Page

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