A false sense of security?

A recent video of a woman being attacked in a complex which went viral last week has left Joburg residents with more questions than answers.

The police don’t seem to have answers and claim the matter was never reported which I think is highly unlikely.

The only information on the video is the date, 2014, and the post suggests the complex was in Killarney. I find it strange that in today’s age of technology, there is not more evidence available on the video and we are just left with assumptions.

I live in a secured complex and my neighbour said he sometimes didn’t lock his door as he felt safe. After watching this video however, many people will question the safety of complexes and estates.

Recent police crime statistics show that house robberies have increased by more than seven percent across the country, and this includes homes in estates and complexes. Yes, when living in a secured environment, you have the benefit of security, access is semi-controlled and patrols are normally done on a regular basis. However, just because you feel safe, does not mean you actually are.

The recent tragic shooting of beloved Orlando Pirates goalkeeper and Buccleuch resident, Senzo Meyiwa, proves that crime can happen to anyone, anywhere. Joburgers, be alert, be safe and report anything that looks suspicious to the police, your sector vehicles, the Community Policing Forum or the security at your complex. If we let our guard down, criminals win.

I don’t think we all need to sleep with guns under our pillows, but being cautious never hurt anyone.

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