Big bang theory

Michael Hobson writes:

Dear Editor

In her letter to the Rosebank Killarney Gazette, week ending 10 October, Taryn Coglihan berates St John’s College for holding a firework display on 27 September.

She is right that pets and animals may have been distressed by the bangs. But many people including Hillbrow residents, gained a lot of pleasure from the aerial display.

To save animals’ distress, it is believed the college should have given sufficient warning of the display so that household animals could be kept indoors.

Click here to read the previous letter.

Perhaps advertising in the press, especially the Gazette, and on radio would give better warning to animal owners, rather than just a banner on Houghton Drive.

Robert Lang, the college teacher whom I complimented for the firework display, told me that a great deal of money to benefit underprivileged schoolchildren was raised by holding the display.

Coglihan’s concerns are justified and unjustified.

What she could do is start a campaign to stop the sale at corner cafes of fireworks to children who set these off in the street. This frightens animals and annoys many more people than the properly organised and professional displays such as that held by of St John’s College.

* This letter has been edited.

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