Letter to the editor: Bluelight nuisance

Arthur Every writes:

Your readers may be interested in my experiences concerning walking home from Wits to Parktown on 3 October.

The first hurdle was crossing Empire Road near the intersection with Jan Smuts.

I waited until the normal lanes were clear of traffic from the right and there was no bus in the Rea Vaya bus lane, and then proceeded to cross.

As I got into the bus lane I became aware of a blue light brigade of two cars speeding towards me in the bus lane.

I had to give a spurt to get onto the island to avoid being hit. As they sped past me, one of the occupants shouted at me.

The second hurdle was crossing the slip road that feeds from Jan Smuts onto the M1 North. Here there was a continuous stream of traffic and I had to wait and wait.

Eventually, a Rolls Royce appeared in the traffic stream. It slowed down to a stop and allowed me, and a couple of people on the other side, to cross.

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