Letter to the editor: Blame the owners, not the dogs

Jennifer Cernades writes:

This letter is in response to the Editor’s note, Barking mad with no solutions, week ending 3 October.

It is not the dogs that are barking that infuriates neighbours – it is the lack of the owners not hearing their own dog barking.

If all the neighbours can hear the dog, why cant the owners?

Dogs instincts are to bark and in 28 years of living in Greenside, not one neighbour ever had the privilege of hearing my precious dog bark.

If and when the dog did bark, I would attend to the bark and see what it was that the dog was barking at.

Having huge dogs on small properties – unsupervised and unattended to – drives any neighbour to become an ogre.

Dogs barking at thunder, lightning and fireworks also needs special attention. Surely the owners know that the dog is scared of thunder and can take the dog indoors?

Dogs left unattended to over weekends which are fed by outsiders and walked by outsiders does not work.

No one loves your kids and dogs as much as you do. Take responsibility and become responsible pet owners.

When owners are away, things happen and dogs are left barking for hours on end.

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