
Letter to the editor: Stop fireworks – Fun for so few, harms so many

Taryn Coghlan writes:

It saddens me to see how St Johns is having a fireworks display on Saturday with no regard for animals, wildlife and people in a 5 km radius.

Every year the fireworks become louder and more intrusive. And every year people, children, babies, animals and our wildlife suffer.

The Animal Protection Act clearly states that it is an offence to terrorise or abuse animals, yet through allowing fireworks, this abuse and terrorisation continues.

Many injuries result from this irresponsible behaviour – there have been cases of people and animals being badly hurt and in some cases even losing their limbs. This physical scarring could so easily be avoided if we had regulations in place.

Small babies, the elderly and animals, especially dogs, experience extreme fear when fireworks are let off and this causes emotional scarring.

The use of fireworks has also caused serious friction between neighbours, communities, religious and ethnic groups. In our community last year, there was almost a large confrontation in one of our parks when a group of people unlawfully set off fireworks. Many people have spoken about taking the “matter” into their own hands.

Has this country become so immune to violence against animals, women and children? Has corruption and believing we are above the law become [so entrenched] that we have lost our ability to feel compassion and love for others? Have we become a nation that puts self interest before anything else?

People are getting angrier every year about fireworks. Legislation and municipal bylaws have to be changed, as well as policing becoming a priority!

I have recently handed over 4 000 signatures and am just about to hand over 2 000 more for the banning of fireworks. It would be really great if we can continue this campaign to get 10 000 signatures and stop the selling of these enormous bombs that get let off… from September to December!

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