
Letter to the editor: Senior citizens not welcome in ‘posh’ Parkhurst

Geraldine writes:

This letter is response to article Posh Parkhurst – the ‘it’ place in Joburg published in the week ending 6 June.

Yes ‘posh Parkhurst’ is a good place to be especially for those who live here and pay to do so.

But, it seems, the pavements are not for the seniors’ use, these are for the 25- to 40-year-olds who ‘grace’ the sidewalk cafès. For an ‘old duck’ like me, trying to get to the local chemist is a nightmare, as on my last visit I had to walk in the gutters and around cars to get past the ‘non-conformist munchers’.

A mother trying to push her baby in a pram had it even harder.

I also love the continental sidewalk cafe setting, but get it under control Jo, you are breaking the law… oops what law?

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One Comment

  1. Agreed completely! And I am a resident and one who LOVES the pavement vibe. Instead of takin to social media and the press, I set up a meeting with Wesley Whitehouse from Craft (I wanted to meet with Jo but was told he was tepping back and Wes could speak for him). I was joined by Cheryl Labuschagne from PRABOA and we went to have a nice civil chat about some issues and how they can be resolved. After quite a bit of stone walling we requested the counsel approves SEATING PLAN which is fully within our rights to see. We were told it was “somewhere” under a pile of papers and would be found eventually. That was 28 days ago. I have sms’d and sent messages online and been completely ignored by both Jo and Wesley. On Sunday 01 June tere was a table completely blocking the sidewalk (I have a pic) and next to it stood Wesley. I went to him and asked about it and he simply shrugged and said “WHAT CAN WE DO, PEOPLE JUST DO WHAT THEY WANT”. RUBBISH! Thy pianted a yellow line on the pavement (illegal) to show where people can sit and they still disregard this.
    I have tried to be “adult” and go actually speak to them but have just been stonewalled and lied to. Jo has been part of this community for many years and is now showing signs of pure disregard and greed and will not engage with the residents in this regard.
    Shocking. Please feel free to put this in print! I live within 100m of Craft.

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