DO something, Metro police!

Letter to the Editor.

Michael J Hobson writes:

This letter is in response to the letter entitled ‘Fed up motorist’, in your week ending 14 March edition, that stated “soon we’ll all drive like taxi drivers”.

Well it’s happening already.

Little old lady drivers and bus drivers do it: they’ve all learned impunity.

It’s no good just complaining about the ever-present taxi driver.

The Metro police have to DO something about them – other than just causing traffic jams through the Wilds/on Houghton Drive when, correctly, over-laden taxis are pulled over.

Everyone who disregards the rules of the road should be stopped.

The Metro police need to be a far more visible presence and also proactive in catching these people. Yes, catching.

No matter how short-staffed they may be, they need to be more imaginative than just stopping another packed taxi or asking to see the licence of another elderly person – like me.

Our roads are becoming worse than those in Cairo, Tel Aviv or Mumbai.

Come on Metro police – be alert to what is happening on our roads.

Where is that ‘world class’ city we keep hearing about?

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