
Words of wellness: Pain or pleasure

ROSEBANK - Most of us are motivated to move away from pain and towards pleasure.

This works on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Is there anything wrong with that? Not at all!

We exist today as evidence that the system works. We always survive.

The problem is, survival is part of our problem.

Survival is OK if you are stuck in a reality TV show with 15 other aspiring millionaires, all trying to outlast, outplay and outscheme each other, but where does one go from there? What are you going to do to increase your wellness and your happiness?

Unfortunately, most of us have been taught to move just far enough away for the pain to be tolerable, and there we must stay, occasionally exciting ourselves with a material knicknack, dreaming of where we would like to be, but never quite feeling enough pain to move into that dream.

Uninspired, we soon find ourselves surrounded by like-minded pain-avoiders. Remember that like attracts like, so the people in your space reflect yourself back at you.

As you might imagine, the communication between ourselves and our fellow pain-avoiders remains limited to victim-speak. We whinge and whine and moan and complain.

Instead of using these pain complaints as motivators for change, we perpetuate them.

We don’t know any different.

The reason we’re so often out of touch with what we want is because we are not really sure of who we are. In what seems a pain-free world, we have lost touch with what is real.

We survive so well that we don’t often seek answers to potentially painful questions such as “Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? What do I stand for? What is really important to me? What do I want my life to be about? What do I want to leave behind?”

We need to make the evolutionary quantum leap from being merely survival oriented to being able to thrive!

This week’s challenge:

List your pleasures and your pains, and see if you can answer some of the difficult questions mentioned above.

Take that leap and start to thrive!

Remember the words of Edmund Burke: “To complain of the age we live in, to murmur at the present possessors of power, to lament the past, to conceive extravagant hopes for the future, are the common dispositions of the greatest part of mankind.”

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