
Unknown dumpers pose danger

I live in Shakespeare Road, Lombardy East and for the past four weeks or so someone has been dumping all sorts of rubble in the open park between Shakespeare Road and the Jukskei River.

Initially it was confined to the area designated as the Johannesburg City Golf Driving Range but has now extended north along the river, outside the driving range, to a point almost adjacent to the corner of Shakespeare and Wellington Roads.

In the area of the driving range the ground level closest to the river has been raised by about eight to 10 metres, if not more.

I fail to see the point of the exercise, other than to dispose of tonnes of unwanted building rubble and to cause a major dust problem for the residents.

As things stand if it should rain fairly heavily in the next few weeks a proportion of the loose soil will wash into the Jukskei River, causing untold damage.

No effort has been made by the City of Johannesburg to advise local residents of the reason for the dumping of the rubble. To contact the municipality telephonically is a futile exercise.

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