Tender submissions for Old Parkhurst property about to close

The City of Johannesburg Property Company has set September 21 as the closing date for tender submissions for the Old Parkhurst Bowls and Soccer Club.

Ward 117 councillor Tim Truluck shared that the Old Parkhurst Bowls and Soccer Club went out for tender last month. The City of Johannesburg Property Company put up a notice on August 21 asking for proposals for the development and long-term lease of the property to be submitted. The closing date for these submissions is September 21 at 10:30.

Councillor Truluck said members of the public are welcome to attend the opening of the tender box to see who the bidders are at JPC offices on 3rd Floor, Forum 1, 33 Hoofd Street, Braamfontein.

Truluck said at the non-compulsory briefing at the JPC offices on September 7, the following info came to light:

The subject properties are located in Parkhurst and is bounded by Victoria Road on the South, Rustenburg Road on the west and Parkhurst Road on the east. The site measure 8.3 hectares in extent. The properties have two structures on the southern section which are occupied by vagrants.

Truluck said the properties are currently zoned as a public open space: any form of development on the sites will have to be preceded by a park closure and rezoning. The topographical survey has revealed the existence of services traversing the site, and the survey has also indicated a planned road that separates the two land portions in a south-north.

Due to the spruit, a portion of the northeastern part of the site falls within a 1:50 year flood line. A Geotech investigation has proved that there is large amount of fill material that was encountered in the majority of the trial holes. More intrusive tests are required to get a full assimilation of the extent of the fill material.

Related articles:

City puts the Old Parkhurst Bowls/Soccer Club on tender

Old Parkhurst Bowls and Soccer Club up for a tender


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