Netcare Milpark specialist surgeon encourages breast health proactiveness

A specialist surgeon from the Netcare Milpark Breast Care Centre has encouraged women to take charge of their breast health and be well informed.

A breast health specialist from Netcare Milpark in Parktown West addressed some of the uncertainties and misperceptions that may hold people back from breast cancer screening. Founder of the Netcare Milpark Breast Care Centre of Excellence and internationally acclaimed specialist surgeon, Professor Carol-Ann Benn also provided practical advice on the questions to ask before treatment.

The professor said breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers among women, affecting approximately one in 27 women over the age of 15 years.

“Although a family history of cancer, on either biological parent’s side of the family, can contribute to higher individual risk, young people do not fit into the usual screening age group, where mammograms are recommended for women over 40. Younger women who have breast cancer usually present with a symptom, such as a mass in the breast, nipple discharge, or enlarged lymph nodes.”

She recommended that such symptoms should always be investigated, preferably by ultrasound scan. Prof. Benn urged anyone who detects a breast lump to seek second opinions and investigate all options, especially if appropriate radiology imaging has not been performed yet.

“If there is a mass, or if you are told it is a fibroadenoma, have a three-month follow-up as the minimum after your first ultrasound, as this can tell the difference between a fibroadenoma and breast cancer. If the lump grows, insist on a core needle biopsy.”

She encouraged people with a lump or suspected breast cancer to resist being pressured into making a snap decision about their treatment.

Prof. Benn’s acronym ‘SMS’ offers practical advice if confronted with a breast cancer diagnosis:

S for safety: do not be rushed into treatment, either surgery or chemotherapy
M for multidisciplinary: a multidisciplinary team must first provide you with all the options open to you, and
S for second opinion: Seek a second opinion, listen, take notes and ask questions. Take the time to consider all the options before proceeding with treatment.

The Netcare Milpark Breast Care Centre of Excellence offers rapid access to best practice care without the person being rushed into treatment. A complete and robust multidisciplinary review of the patient is conducted within seven days, and their process is geared towards carefully selecting the best treatment options for cancer care, taking each patient and their circumstances into consideration holistically.

“Breast cancer treatment has progressed significantly and the vast majority of breast health conditions do not require surgery these days. Radical mastectomies, where the entire breast and nipple are removed, are no longer used. Cancer does not ‘jump’ from one breast to the other, so if you are advised to have a double mastectomy, this should always be questioned and interrogated by a multidisciplinary team. If surgery is needed, usually women have a choice in the different types of cancer surgery.”

Women diagnosed with breast cancer should also be informed and ask questions about the implications of their treatment options for fertility before starting any treatment.

Details: Netcare Milpark Breast Care Centre of Excellence 011 480 5779.

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