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Rosebank streets closed due to upgrade developments

As part of the JDA’s Rosebank Transport facility upgrades, the intersection of Biermann and Cradock Avenues is closed for three weeks.

Work is expected to take place for the next week on Biermann and Cradock avenues in Rosebank.

Community liaison officer Christo Morolong said the work was one of the phases of the Rosebank public transport facility refurbishment project of the Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA). The work began on August 10.

“We are installing new stormwater pipes on the intersection of Biermann and Cradock avenues. Secondly, we will be putting in new paving to make the area look beautiful,” said Morolong.

Community participation officer Michael Lebotha said all stakeholders had been engaged regarding the developments and further engagements were still ongoing.

Morolong said Tyrwhitt Avenue could be used for deliveries only. Residents who needed to access residential areas within the vicinity and tourists needing to access the hotels would be the only ones allowed to use these roads. She said patrons of the mall could use the Oxford Road entrance to access it.

“So far the project is going according to plan. We have even increased the working hours because we are working according to a deadline which is August 24.

“Another positive thing about the project is that we have employed local guys, including the guys who help direct traffic during load-shedding.” He made a plea to businesses in the area to employ these community members after the project had been completed.

The JDA had on March 29 stated that it had been implementing the upgrade of the Rosebank public transport facility on behalf of the City of Johannesburg’s Transport Department.

“To improve the transport facility so it can accommodate Rosebank’s rapidly growing commuter base, the project is being undertaken in two phases. It started on November 30 last year and the first phase of the project is currently at 20% progress,” said the JDA public relations and social media specialist Elias Nkabinde.

The scope of work for the first phase includes:

  • Upgrade of food stalls in the existing facility
  • Upgrade of ablutions in the existing facility
  • Upgrade of the intersection of the entrance and exit points of the existing facility
  • Traffic impact assessment of the intersections at the entrances of the current Rosebank transport facility
  • Transport study to understand traffic patterns and congestion during on and off-peak hours of the current taxi operations within the Rosebank area
  • Public environmental upgrades to improve key pedestrian non-motorised transport access to the existing Rosebank public transport facility.

Nkabinde said the second phase of the project entailed the provision of an additional holding facility to accommodate the overflow of minibus and metered taxis in the area. “The upgrades of the Rosebank public transport facility are in line with the JDA’s objectives of developing resilient, sustainable, and livable urban areas in identified transit nodes and corridors.”

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