Education department addresses Sandringham High issues

Community members and readers have been asking about the deteriorating state of Sandringham High School and what the department is doing about it.

Community members have raised concerns regarding the state of Sandringham High School. One reader, Nadine Suttner, said she had a while back read an article in the local paper about the school’s situation and the department had promised to try and turn the school around.

“I recently heard that the situation at the school has deteriorated. There is no head, teachers don’t arrive at scheduled classes, no textbooks available and learners bring drugs and weapons onto the school premises,” said Suttner.

The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) spokesperson Steve Mabona said the department has not yet received any formal complaint regarding the shortage of textbooks and teachers who do not show up for classes. “However, we are aware that the school has no principal but is properly managed by the two deputies on rotation while the process of appointing the new principal is underway.

“Concerning the issue of learners bringing weapons and drugs to the school we are aware and deeply concerned about the situation at the said school. Subsequently, an internal learner disciplinary process has been scheduled accordingly and the outcome thereof will be communicated in due course,” Mabona said.

Earlier in June, a couple of readers had called to enquire about rumours about plans for the school to be closed down. The department had on June 23 responded to say, “The department would like to refute claims that Sandringham High School will be closed down. Accordingly, the learners and teachers will continue with teaching and learning at the said school as the department does not intend to close down the school.”

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