Johannesburg Zoo celebrates World Giraffe Day

World Giraffe Day is celebrated on June 21 every year. The holiday was established by the Giraffe Conservation Foundation (G.C.F.) to celebrate the tallest animal in the world. World Giraffe Day takes place during the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

Joburg Zoo celebrated World Giraffe Day on 21 June by treating their giraffes to branches.

The day, which coincidentally falls during the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere (depending on which side of the world you are), is an apt time of the year to celebrate the tallest animal, with the longest neck.

10-year-old male giraffe, Madolo enjoys the sun. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

World Giraffe Day is significant in raising awareness of the dangers and plight giraffes face in the wild.

The male’s neck reaches an incredible length of approximately 243 cm and the female, around 213 cm.

Johannesburg Zoo giraffes enjoy the sunlight. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

Here are some interesting facts about these sassy, cool-looking animals:

A 10-year-old male giraffe, Madolo enjoys the sun. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

The Johannesburg Zoo currently cares for four giraffes: Madolo, a 10-year-old male and the father to Michelle. Madolo is the tallest of the four and uses this to his advantage by getting the good stuff off the topmost branches.

Gia is an 11-year-old female and mom to Michelle. Keepers say she is a lady and eats elegantly and in no rush.

Johannesburg Zoo giraffes strike a pose. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

Michelle is a four-year-old female, very playful, and gets excited when browse is brought to her. Buhle is a five-year-old female, who is gentle and shy.

Johannesburg Zoo giraffe poses before it browses off a branch. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

The keepers treated the giraffes with some crispy browse.

Johannesburg Zoo giraffe browses off a branch. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

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