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Lower Houghton Residents Association monitors developments in area

The Lower Houghton Resident’s Association’s planning and development committee handles the mandate of preventing unreasonable densities in their suburb.

The Lower Houghton Residents Association (LHRA) keeps a careful eye out for potential developments in their area. If the LHRA feels like those potential developments are beyond the desired density for the suburb, they send out objection templates for residents to use. The association’s planning and development committee is headed by Carolyn Douglas.

Chairperson of the LHRA Kirsten van der Riet said, “We are not anti-development. We are just passionate about trying to manage the development in keeping with the nature and heritage of the suburb and have been very successful thus far at reducing unreasonable densities. We are also actively involved in assessing the Heritage of Houghton homes, usually when development is about to take place.”

Van der Riet said the Lower Houghton’s beautiful new trees planted by City Parks and spearheaded by resident Wendy van der Merwe, are now over a year old and most of them have taken beautifully. “The late rains at the end of last year caused great concern and Wendy managed a team of volunteers to go around and water them all. A mammoth task which has paid off nicely,” said van der Riet.

The LHRA continues to support the Norwood Community Police Forum (CPF) which plays an oversight role to SAPS and JMPD. Van der Riet said, “We were very encouraged at a recent CPF meeting about the effective work the new Norwood Police Station commander is doing in the precinct.”

The LHRA has a community WhatsApp group and if residents wish to join it, they may email admin@lhra.joburg with their name and number. She added how important it is to join (or start) a street WhatsApp group. She said Houghton is a huge suburb with thousands of households, so being in touch with those directly around you would be the most effective. “It also creates a sense of community which is not easy from behind our high walls and tight security.

We are always desperate for assistance – either by volunteering to get involved in any of the above-mentioned areas, or at the very least, to pay your subs to allow our work in the area to continue. The recommended amount for subs is R2 000 per annum for freehold homes/businesses, R1 250 per annum for sectional title and R950 per annum for flats. Please email admin@lhra.joburg and we will add you to our data base and send an invoice,” van der Riet concluded.

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