SAPRA seeks to advance residents’ interests

Non-profit organization, Saxonwold and Parkwood Residents Association assists with monitoring and enforcement of legal norms and standards.

The Saxonwold and Parkwood Residents Association (Sapra) seeks to advance the interests of the residents and businesses in Saxonwold and Parkwood.

Sapra chairman Bill Haslam said the association was run by a committee of volunteers who assist with the monitoring and enforcement of legal norms and standards.

“Our approach is pro-active, such as the recent interdict against the City of Johannesburg’s approval of a six-storey residential building in the heart of our suburbs,” said Haslam.

He was referring to the proposed development of Saxon Square on the corner of Worcester and Oxford roads. The developer was prevented from commencing with construction due to an urgent interdict obtained by Sapra and residents’ application against the City.

“Our Green Team can be seen tidying and cutting around the suburbs twice a week. Last year, we painted all the road names, we help with the upkeep of our parks, cleaned out the stormwater drains and intervened with water and electricity problems among the myriad of daily issues. As part of our drive to foster and build a community spirit, we now also boast an events committee.”

The committee would oversee the holding of community events on behalf of Sapra such as the famous Halloween Walk and movie nights.

The chairman pleaded with community members to join the association at a minimal cost.
“An increased war chest enables Sapra to fight successfully to maintain our two beautiful suburbs.”

Details: Sapra; please contact or easily sign up on the website as a member

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