Blairgowrie tattoo studio gives back to community-based art counselling centre

New and used art supplies are donated to children at an art counselling centre.

Blairgowrie tattoo studio, Be Kind Tattooing partnered with NGO Lefika La Phodiso to run a fundraiser collecting art supplies for their community-based art counselling centre.

Be Kind Tattooing also donated 15% of its profits from tattoos done in October to Lefika and managed to raise R4 500 for the organisation.

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The organisation received a large tub of new and used art supplies including glue guns, wool, paint, paint sets, and brushes.

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The team from the tattoo studio gave a drawing workshop to the teenagers at Lefika and showed them how tattooing as a career is accessible to everyone.

The teens got to play around on the iPads, tried out tattooing fake skin and had a blast with the stencils and watercolour pencils.

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