93-year-old Killarney Bowls Cub member can’t believe she overcame cancer

With a lifetime of bowling achievements on her trail, a 93-year-old Killarney Bowls Club member is grateful for the care she receives at Sandringham Lodge.

The epitome of 1Sport4Life is how a 93-year-old bowler is described by her co-bowler and club captain. Elise Ackerman who is a member of the Killarney Bowls Club, has over the past two years battled cancer and come out victorious.

Ackerman said, “I don’t even remember being sick, all I know is that I am lucky to be here.”

The Sandringham Lodge resident said she never thought she would be able to play bowls again. Co-bowler Desiree Levin said, “Elise was playing first division bowls at the age of 91 for Killarney Bowls Club and in that year, was part of the team that won in the league. Unfortunately, subsequent to that, Elise became ill. The cancer was said to be very ferocious, and the doctors did not expect Elise to last three months.

“But due to her fitness, having run pilates clubs in her home and walking two kilometres every day of her life; with her strength of character and positive mind; Elise has overcome this battle in the past two years. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, Elise was able to spend time in full recovery.”

Killarney Country Club’s 93-year-old bowler Elise Ackerman holds a 2kg lawn bowl. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

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Killarney Bowls Club women’s captain, who also used to be Ackerman’s bowling plan, Sharon Sheer, said Ackerman started off as a dual member of Sharon and Sandringham Bowling clubs. Thereafter she became a member of the Old Edwardian Society.

Levin added that Ackerman who played in both district and nationals, won bowls singles championships in 1996.

“Elise has always been of a very fit and live build and with the aid of a walker, she was able to exercise and gradually build back her strength after her illness. Elise is now attending our corporate functions and club days and hopes to be back on the field in the new season which begins in November,” said Levin.

Killarney Bowls Club members, Desiree Levin, Elise Ackerman and women’s captain Sharon Sheer continue to support each other. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

93-year-old Ackerman is a mother of four children and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Ackerman always does everything in moderation and believes in a simple life of giving and being kind to others.

ALSO READ: Bowling for charity couldn’t be more fun

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