Norwood police arrest suspect for dealing in dagga

12 zip lock bags with dagga and cash found on suspect in Melrose earn him an arrest by the Norwood police.

A suspect was cornered and found in possession of dagga and cash by Norwood SAPS Crime Prevention unit members during their daily duties.

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The spokesperson Sergeant Eric Masotsha said on September 13 at about 18:30, sergeants Samuel Khang and Thamsanga Nyalungu spotted a guy who started running along Glenhove Road in Melrose when he saw the police car.

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The spokesperson said a chase ensued and the suspect had been apprehended. “The suspect was searched and found in possession of 12 resealable bags and 11 ready-made joint rolls, all found in his back pocket. A cash amount of R320 was found in the front pocket of his trousers.

“The suspect confessed to selling dagga for a living. The suspect was later transported to Norwood cells and charged for possession of and dealing in dagga.”

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He said the exhibits were booked into the SAPS register as evidence in a court of law.

Details: Continue to report the crime to the Norwood Police Station on 011 483 4609/14 or 080 010 111.

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