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Norwood police arrest suspect with unlicensed firearm

Following a lookout warning after an attempted hijacking in Bramley, a suspect spotted with an unlicensed firearm was arrested by Norwood police.

One suspect in possession of an illegal firearm was arrested by the Norwood police.

Spokesperson Sergeant Eric Masotsha reported that on August 30, at about 22:00 police were called for one suspect who was found in possession of an unlicensed firearm.

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“The suspect was spotted after a lookout was made following an attempted hijacking in the Bramley area. The local private security officers cornered the suspect and found him in possession of an unlicensed firearm with a filed-off serial number.

“Police were called for the formal arrest and the suspect was asked where he got the firearm from and he said it belonged to his friend who resides in Alexandra.”

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Masotsha said the investigation is still underway and the suspect was charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm and live ammunition. The exhibit was booked at the Norwood Police Station as evidence before the court.

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The spokesperson concluded, “The Norwood SAPS and its management appreciated the friendly working together with our local private security companies who also work their hearts out for the love of the country.”

Details: Report the crime to the Norwood Police Station at 011 483 4609/14 or 080 010 111.


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