
Parkview SAPS’ proactiveness and visibility is paying off

Parkview CPF's Victim Support Unit noticed a decrease in the number of cases being referred to its trauma counsellors.

Online headline: Parkview CPF commends SAPS’ efforts in the precinct
Social media teaser: Parkview SAPS’ dedication reflected in VSU’s dwindling number of cases

The Parkview Community Policing Forum (CPF) and its Victim Support Unit (VSU) commended Parkview SAPS members for their dedication to serving the community.

Chairperson Geraldine Connell said, “The VSU noticed a marked decrease in the number of cases being referred to its trauma counsellors. This, in turn, reduces the overall associated trauma in the area, or precinct, as there are fewer individuals, and families, personally impacted by violent crime.”

ALSO READ: Parkview’s CPF and SAPS warn elderly citizens about dangers in the precinct

As a result, there is a growing sense of safety and security in the general community.

The VSU believes that the main factors making the precinct safer are four best practices being implemented by SAPS:
• A proactive approach to policing in the area
• An increased visibility on our streets
• Effective co-ordination and cooperation with the CPF, all the security companies, and residents’ associations
• Community outreach to schools, the elderly, retail outlets, restaurants, etc

These essential behaviours are having a significant impact on the safety and security of the residents in our precinct.

ALSO READ: Parkview CPF AGM invites community to discuss how SAPS can reduce crime in the precinct

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