Motorists in Craighall struggle with road repair delays on Jan Smuts Avenue

Jan Smuts Avenue in Craighall faces chaos and safety concerns due to incomplete road repair works, causing disruptions for residents and commuters alike.

Residents and commuters in Craighall are facing disruptions due to incomplete road repairs on Jan Smuts Avenue, at the intersection with Buckingham Avenue.

The repairs, which involved digging a trench for pipe maintenance, were initially scheduled to be completed by Johannesburg Water on the evening of July 5. However, despite assurances, the road remains in disrepair, causing traffic congestion and raising safety concerns.

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According to Ward 90 councillor Martin Williams, Johannesburg Water announced that the work would be completed by 22:00 on July 5. While the trench was filled on the following Monday, July 8, the job was not done correctly, leading to further complications. The improperly closed trench has disrupted traffic flow on one of Craighall’s busiest roads, causing delays and frustration among motorists.

The current state of the road is not just an inconvenience; it also poses a potential hazard. The uneven surface can be dangerous for vehicles, particularly during peak hours when traffic volume is high.

Johannesburg Water was approached for comment on July 5, and again multiple times until the time of sending to print on July 12. They were asked about the timeline for the complete repair and proper closure of the trench, but we have yet to receive a response.

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The ongoing issue highlights the need for more efficient and thorough repair processes, to minimise disruption and ensure the safety of road users. In the meantime, Craighall commuters must navigate the challenges posed by the incomplete roadwork, hoping for a swift and satisfactory resolution.


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