
Juhi from St Mary’s School Waverley selected for national debating team

Grade 11 learner at St Mary’s School Waverley Juhi Baboolal has emerged as a shining star in debating, receiving recognition from the South African Schools Debating Board.

Juhi Baboolal, a Grade 11 learner at St Mary’s School Waverley, has earned acclaim from the South African Schools Debating Board for her exceptional skills and dedication. She was selected for the 2024 South Africa Development Teams and will represent the nation in international tournaments.

Her journey into debating began in 2021 when she accidentally joined the school’s debating team. Despite initial uncertainty, she excelled at the SAI International competition, reaching the semi-finals with just two days of coaching. “That experience ignited my ambition in debating,” she says. “From that point onward, I decided to pursue it seriously.”

One of her most memorable experiences came in 2023, when she made it to the national grand final with her all-girls team, a rare accomplishment. “It was the pinnacle of my journey as a debater,” she shares. This achievement highlighted the importance of resilience and personal growth, teaching her that progress is not always linear and that it’s okay to develop at her own pace.

Her success stems from her skill in detailed analysis and providing realistic context in debates, complemented by strong research abilities and strategic awareness, earning recognition from the South African Schools Debating Board.

Several mentors have influenced Juhi, but her uncle Aman stands out. “He taught me that debating is more about the impact that my voice can leave behind on global issues,” she says.
Her coach Itu and teacher Mr Iedma taught her to handle losses gracefully without attaching her self-worth to them.

She encourages younger learners interested in debating to be brave and stay true to themselves. “Debating requires assertiveness and passion, but also a deep understanding of different perspectives. Stay true to your values but keep an open mind,” she advises.

Looking to the future, Juhi sees her experience in debating influencing her career aspirations significantly. “Debating has instilled in me a deep passion for justice, which I believe will shape my career path as a paediatrician,” she concludes.

Juhi’s journey from a mistake to national recognition exemplifies dedication and resilience. Her story is a testament to the power of passion and the impact of mentorship, making her a role model for aspiring debaters at St Mary’s School Waverley and beyond.

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