Elite Sporting & Cultural Academy showcased its talented Wanderers Club basketball players

Elite Sporting & Cultural Academy aims to contribute to young talent.

Elite Sporting & Cultural Academy (ESCA) showcased its talent on Wanderers Club basketball courts on January 19.

ESCA’s chief operations officer, Ernst Ackermann said the academy takes pride in contributing to the expansion of platforms for young talent to showcase their skills.

“Our primary objective is to provide young basketball talents in Johannesburg with more frequent opportunities to exhibit their abilities. By organising multiple events throughout the year instead of a single traditional tournament, we aim to bring together the basketball community more often.”

Simba Bete in white reaches for the ball.

Ackermann added that the innovative approach benefits the players and extends the ‘big game feeling’ experience to players from invited schools.

He concluded, “Our goal is to foster a basketball atmosphere that supports our long-term objective of establishing the Wanderers Club as the go-to destination for basketball enthusiasts in Johannesburg on Friday nights.”

Related article: Elite Sporting & Cultural Academy showcased its talented Wanderers Club basketball players

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