
JMPD and SAPS nabbed fake police officers in Houghton

The bogus police officers were in possession of two firearms when they were nabbed.

Bogus police officers were recently nabbed by JMPD and Norwood police in Houghton.

Norwood Police Station spokesperson Warrant Officer Eric Masotsha said the pair aged between 43 and 49 were arrested in possession of two firearms, one was unlicensed and the other was a replica.

“SAPS, JMPD and private security have been keeping an eye on the pair for the past few weeks. Both alleged to have been posing as police officers and extorting ‘protection fees’ from business owners in and around Johannesburg.”

Masotsha added that police seized R16 00 which was suspected to have been obtained illegally, balaclavas and multiple cellphones were also seized. One of the suspects was in possession of a SAPS appointment card.

He concluded that preliminary investigations revealed that both imposters were not employed by SAPS. They were expected to make their first appearance in court on a charge of impersonating police officers and being in possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition.

Communities are encouraged to continue reporting crime or any suspicious activities in their communities to Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or the anti-corruption hotline on 0800 701 701.

Related Article: Two fake cops arrested in Houghton

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