The year to understand the ethos of karate

A local Dorfman Karate academy hopes to qualify for two world championships and bring international honours home this year.

The Malcolm Dorfman Parktown North Dojo and Shane Dorfman Melrose Dojo commenced 2023 on a resounding and solid note, one of their major reasons being the success and achievements of the Dorfman Karate members in 2022.

According to Malcolm Dorfman, deputy grandmaster, and chief instructor, their major 2023 plan is to imbue in their members a true understanding of the ethos of karate.

“We want our karate members to comprehend the principles of karate as they were imparted to Shane over 40 years ago and to me over the past 55 years by the best and most legendary Japanese masters.”

Dorfman explains that their first event will be an intense seminar on March 11 given by them to their organisation, which virtually all Dorfman Karate members will attend.

“Our objective will be to explain the science and body mechanics behind every technique, leading to an intellectual approach as opposed to merely a physical capability.”

He highlights that, on a tournament level, special extra training sessions will be instituted to ensure that the Dorfman Karate members continue the success it has had since 1970.

“I hope for the selection and eligibility of the KWF SA National Team to compete in the WSKA World Championship in September and the KWF World Cup in October.”

He concludes by saying that as they are essentially free of COVID restrictions, there is no holding back in the intensity of training and determination to achieve by both instructors and members.

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