New journey for the Sandringham police officer

Lieutenant Colonel Selaelo Mattoha reflects on 29 years of service in Sandringham Police Station.

After serving and protecting the Sandringham community for 29 years, Lieutenant Colonel Selaelo Mattoha says his goodbyes at the station.

The 57-year-old joined the police force in 1993 as a student constable and came to Sandringham Police Station the same year.

“For the past 29 years, I have faced many and different challenges, but my passion for this job got me through everything, and I wouldn’t be where I am if I didn’t love my job.”

Lieutenant Colonel Selaelo Mattoha of Sandringham moves to Midrand Police Station. Photo: Duduzile Khumalo

He stated that in 2009 he was promoted to a captain until 2022, when he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and shared that when he took this job as an officer, he told himself he would forever serve and protect, and all this time he has been doing that and will continue at Midrand till he retires.

“As I leave for Midrand Police Station, the Sandringham community should know that they are in good hands because another officer is on the way, and I hope they will continue to help as they did for me.”

He adds that he is grateful to have worked at Sandringham and thanks the Sandringham CPF for the cake they brought in for him.

“I am looking forward to being at Midrand; I know it is a big station, but I am not new to the police force, and thank you to everyone who has walked this 29-year journey with me.”

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