Immaculata Shelter receives donations from JMPD

The JMPD Choir showed their ‘other side’ by singing to a homeless shelter in Rosebank whom they also donated clothes to.

Residents of Immaculata Shelter in Rosebank were elated to receive donations from the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) Choir.

Sandile Langa, JMPD Choir’s Janice Davids, Immaculata Shelter’s Chrissie McGettrick, JMPD officer Busi Ndziba and Immaculata Hall supervisor Mike Ntuli, at the donation handover at the shelter. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

The donations of clothes were handed over to the shelter on August 25 and the JMPD Choir blessed the residents with melodious songs.

A cheerful side of the Metro police shown through the JMPD Choir’s presentation at the Immaculata Shelter. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Immaculata Hall Project supervisor Mike Ntuli thanked the JMPD Choir for blessing residents with beautiful songs and said they were humbled by their presence and upliftment. “We have gone through hurdles including Covid-19 and homelessness challenges. We appreciate that they [JMPD] not only take care of our security and safety but they are also trying to uplift us spiritually.

Food and drink prepared at the shelter are handed out to residents by the JMPD Choir. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

“We are humbled by your support which we hope will continue. We’ll work together with your organising team on a continuous basis so that we as the community and you on the safety side, work to build a harmonious and safe community,” said Ntuli.

The JMPD Choir shares their meodious voices with the Immaculata Shelter residents. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

JMPD acting director of operations Amon Kganyago said, “We want to say we are because you are. We are here because we care, love, respect and recognise you as part of the community. The little that we’ve got, we felt we needed to share throughout the city of Johannesburg. We wanted to make sure we bring the community closer together as police, making sure that we work with you to fight corruption, and crime in its totality with your assistance.”

The JPMD Choir members help to hand out food to the Immaculata residents. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Kganyago said they were not a police force but a police service that listened to and served the people. He said they would continue to share with residents and give whatever they could to help improve their lives.

Immaculata Shelter Hall Project supervisor Mike Ntuli welcomes and thanks the JMPD for their presence and donations. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

“We cannot achieve any success without the community. The community’s safety and security are indeed our priority. We mustn’t be the police who write tickets, and take stock from vendors on the streets but rather from time to time show our human side. We are all related one way or another as human beings.”

The JMPD Choir visits Immaculata Shelter. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Ntuli assured residents that the correct procedures would be followed to distribute the donations.

Details: Immaculata Shelter is located on 17 Sturdee Avenue in Rosebank.

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