Parktown residents volunteer and assist with Parkcare curtains

The curtain donation could not have come at a better time for Parkcare.

Parkcare wards have become brighter after curtain donations.

Parkcare representative Jaqui Smith called on all volunteers August 24 to assist in measuring and cutting donated rolls of curtains for high-care wards.

Mpumi Sithebe prepares her ruler and marker to measure the curtain. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

Social worker Chantall Botha expressed her gratitude to volunteers who assisted with preparing curtains. “We received a donation in the form of rolls of curtains worth a lot of value. Once we’re done today, hopefully a lot of rolls would have been cut, pinned and ready for sewing.”

Judy Symons pins a curtain to prepare it to be sewn. Photo: Asanda Matlhare
Asmeralda Moyau and Anitha Gunpath fold the top of a curtain. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

Botha added the donations could not have come at a better time. “We’re excited for this donation because our curtains that we currently have are worn out and this is helpful because we will be able to upgrade at least two wards at Parkcare.”

Saby Chetty folds a curtain that is ready to be sewn. Photo: Asanda Matlhare
Roselyn Davids prepares to mark and cut a curtain. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

A volunteer, Roselyn Davids, said volunteering at Parkcare was a no-brainer for her. “The reason I chose to volunteer today to help with the curtains is because my dad was looked after at this home many years ago. I always told myself that one day when I stopped working, I would volunteer here which is a way of giving back to the senior community.”

Chantall Botha cuts and divides a curtain. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

Another volunteer, Judy Symons, said she learned about the initiative through a rotary club. “I heard about this initiative through a rotary club I belong to and I am glad because I enjoy volunteering and helping people.”


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