Local school holds blood drive for SANBS

Local school obtains a significant improvement in their blood donations.

St John’s College hosted the Blood of the Saints Blood Drive just before their half-term break.

The Blood of the Saints Blood Drive was a competition between St John’s and their sister school, St Mary’s School.

A total of 106 units of blood was raised for the South African National Blood Service at the Blood of the Saints Blood Drive. Photo: Supplied

According to the head of first aid at St John’s, Liam Snyman, the idea behind the drive was for the two schools to bond as well as to use their competitive nature to increase donations amongst both student bodies.

“The idea worked and with St John’s raising 46 units of blood, and St Mary’s raising 63 units of blood, with St Mary’s ultimately winning the competition,” Snyman said.

Robyn Sanderson donates blood with Erin Bredenkamp at the Blood of the Saints Blood Drive. Photo: Supplied

Snyman added that from this cooperation, 106 units of blood was raised for the South African National Blood Service and the schools managed to obtain a significant improvement in their donations. “I would like to thank all those who participated in the donation drive, and I believe that the regular blood drives we host at St John’s College are hugely beneficial for our community.

“With some luck, St John’s may beat St Mary’s in the next Blood of the Saints drive.”


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