Charity event at Pirates Club

All blood donors who donate during the charity event at Greenside will get double movie tickets.

South African National Blood Service (Sanbs) is hosting a charity day to make Mandela Day memorable on July 16.

According to Debra Forster of Sanbs, the day’s purpose is to give back to others on a special day, and they appeal to the general public to visit the event. All blood donors who donate on the day will get double movie tickets.

The event will take place from 10:00 to 15:00 at Pirates Club, Greenside. Forster said there would be various charity organisations including Organ Donor Foundation, Centre for Tissue Engineering, Children of Fire, and Johannesburg Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

She added that another focus would be on burns survivor, Rien ne Dit Kasongo’s heart’s desire for a horse and carriage to transport him from Auckland Park to Zoo Lake for a picnic.


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